
How can processes for mechanical surface treatment be implemented and integrated and what effect do they have on my specific component?"
Answering this question, the interface between customers and ECOROLL internally, consulting and corresponding application development describes a large part of my daily project business. By setting up my own department, I have created the opportunity to work on customer issues independently of the day-to-day business for ECOROLL.
In interdisciplinary projects, it still helps me today that I started as a design engineer at ECOROLL in 2003 right after my graduation.
My subsequent move to the project department has enabled me to bundle the requirements of all project partners in such a way that tasks and opportunities are clearly defined for everyone. This has already resulted in some unexpected, very successful application solutions.

As an engineer, I have always wanted to make a contribution to resource conservation and energy efficiency. In my role as Head of Development at ECOROLL, I now work every day to achieve these goals through targeted surface treatment.
Technology development, the development of process knowledge and the dissemination of knowledge are key activities for me. As a scientist, I am interested in understanding the relationships between the process, the component requirements and the material properties.
Before joining ECOROLL, I researched various processes for the functionalization of surfaces. Even then, however, the focus was on deep rolling.
In my dissertation, I therefore spent six years working intensively on the development of a hybrid process consisting of hard turning and deep rolling to increase the service life of rolling bearings.

After writing my dissertation as a scientific assistant and team leader at the renowned machine tool laboratory at RWTH Aachen University, I am now CEO of ECOROLL AG Werkzeugtechnik in Celle.
I was able to seamlessly build on my research activities and am now delighted to be able to meet the requirements of our customers with this highly efficient technology.
I can still use the scientific fundamentals I acquired during my research work on rolling of hardened steels in many discussions with customers and emphasize the great added value of our technology.
I am delighted that an economically successful company with a global reputation as a technology leader is based on this fundamental knowledge today, and it motivates me more and more every day to be there for our customers together with all ECOROLL employees.

After studying mechanical engineering at the University of Hanover, specializing in production engineering, I carried out research into production planning at the Institute of Production Engineering and Machine Tools.
One focus of my work was information feedback in production using machine learning and the simulation of machining processes.
I have always been fascinated by the development of innovative digital technologies and their beneficial integration into production systems.
I am therefore delighted to now be responsible at ECOROLL for the development of innovative digital solutions relating to the ECOsense measurement technology, thereby contributing to more reliable and durable components.

Dr. Henry Kuo Feng Cheng is a technical lead for surface enhancement processes in Data-Driven Surface Enhancement, Advanced Remanufacturing and Technology Centre (ARTC). He has been working on material processing, surface enhancement processes, thermomechanical processes and material characterization, including thermal, mechanical and thermomechanical analysis, with more than 15 years of experience.
His previous companies include Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech) and Rolls-Royce Singapore, focusing on the development of manufacturing processes and charactersiation techniques for automotive and aerospace industries. He got his PhD in mechanical engineering from Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in 2012. He was a holder of SIMTech best student award 2011 and NTU research student scholarship award 2008.
Currently, he has 29 international journals and conference publications with more than 1200 citations and h-index of 14.

Dr. Niroj Maharjan works in the field of laser material processing with particular focus on laser shock peening, laser heat treatment and surface texturing.
He works closely with both industry and academia to solve surface-related challenges for aerospace, marine, and heavy machinery industries.
He completed his PhD from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and has more than 7+ years of experience in surface engineering and laser processing.