Roller burnishing of PET-mold core
Replace hand-polishing process
Two-zone roller burnishing of cone and contour with the HG6 tool

User benefits
- Reduce process time by about 25%
- Increase of hardness by about 8%
- Consistent results

- Workpiece: PET-Mold Core
- Part of: Molding machine
- Material: Hardened steel
- Hardness: 55 HRC
- Tool: HG6-9L65°+ L15°
- Circumferential speed: 110 m/min
- Feed rate: 0,1 mm/rev.
- Cycle time: 45 seconds
DOWNLOAD Application Example PET-Mold Core
- ECOROLL AG - Roller burnishing of PET-mold core Reduction of process time by about 25%, increase of hardness by about 8%